I launched The Creative Engineer because I felt that the engineering profession was in serious need of an advocate. Let’s be honest: Engineering has a reputation as a career for the introverts, the math geeks, and the socially inept. In other words, not a place for “normal” people. We keep reading that enrollment in engineering is down and that the percentage of practicing engineers is in the decline. Additionally, engineering rarely appears at the top of the Career Wish List when you talk to American High School students. Lost somewhere along the way is the fact that engineers are the builders, the believers, the inventors, the creative geniuses, and the optimistic go-getters that have guided our civilization out of the caves and onto the moon.
Engineering is a highly respected career with salaries that can be substantial, so why aren’t more young adults lining up? I truly believe that the profession does a terrible job of promoting itself, often playing into the negative stereotypes and driving away creative individuals who could contribute substantially. The truth is, there is tremendous opportunity to be artistically creative in pretty much all of the engineering disciplines…though you might have to look aggressively to find that perfect job. Employers, too, need to appreciate the creative talent already hard at work within their organization. You never know what might be lurking right behind that cubicle wall.
On this site, I call out those engineers that are doing wonderfully creative and technical work, as well as those artists with one foot firmly in the engineering world. I also show you projects (art, woodworking, home improvement, and cooking) that I have undertaken that demonstrate creative pragmatism. I don’t believe that special tools, skills, or education should stand in the way of delivering awesome results. Enjoy!
Brandon R. Buckhalt is the main contributor to the site. He is a Mechanical Engineer (Georgia Tech ’01) with a Masters degree in Engineering Management (University of Michigan ’06) and the holder of multiple patents and trade secrets. Originally from Georgia, he has lived in Michigan since 2001.